Saturday, May 21, 2011

S.V.E.S.T. - France (Rehearsal)

Back after another unexpect hiatus. Suffered some hard drive failure and lost a fair amount of stuff I had ripped but things appear to be working again. 

Provided to me from a friend in Australia sometime ago. I quite enjoy this two track rehearsal. The first track is a rather folky sounding introduction. The second track "The Black Art" was featured on their first demo, but this is a different version of the song that is about 3 minutes shorter. This would lead me to believe this rehearsal is from either before their 1998 demo "Scarification of the Soul" or shortly after. There are other variations to the song as well.

I know nothing of this release to be honest and have nothing else to say. If anyone is familiar with this and knows more about it, let me know.

S.V.E.S.T. - France (Rehearsal)

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