Friday, May 4, 2012

Darkness (UK) - Darkness (Demo Compilation)

Darkness was a black metal project from the UK formed around 2001. Caranthir, the individual behind it, was a regular in a channel I used to run on DALnet with some others.

This is a compilation of the three demos he released before releasing a full-length in 2003 and then putting the project to rest. Released in 2002 on CD-r, distributed solely by Caranthir.

This contains:
Beast of Misanthropy (Demo 2001) - Tracks 1-3
Destruction of Earth (Demo 2001) - Tracks 4 and 5
Eternal Darkness (Demo 2001) - Tracks 6 and 7
Unreleased Work - Track 8
Carnage (Mayhem Cover) - Track 9

Darkness - Darkness (Demo Compilation)

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Wraithen - In the Hour of 11 11 (Demo Compilation) // Azaghal - Black Terror Metal (Demo 2001)

A rather short lived band from Portland, Oregon. Formed in 1998 or 1999, they released two demos and a split with Bethlehem before disbanding. This compilation contains the demos "Legions of Wormwood" (1999) and "Cult of the 11th Dawn" (2001) and a remastered version of "The Law of Hatred" from the first demo. Released by Looking Black Glass sometime around 2004 if I recall correctly.

 Wraithen - In the Hour of 11 11 (Demo Compilation)

Azaghal from Finland have been around in one form or another since 1995 when they settled on their current name. This tape was ripped by a friend sometime in 2001 shortly after its release on Chanteloup Creations. It contains material recorded between 1997 and 2001 which consists of 4 original songs and two covers; Bathory and Darkthrone. Tracks 4 and 5 on the tape, 'Peto 666' and 'De Vermis Mysteriis' respectively, are combined into one track due to the fact that they almost blend into one another.

Azaghal - Black Terror Metal (Demo 2001)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Ichneutic - Rehearsal (2002) /// Darvulia - L'odeur du corbeau mort (Demo 2002)

Rehearsal from 2002 for this British one man project. Released on the now defunct Black Abyss Productions label. Raw black metal ripped from the original tape sometime in the year of release. Split up sometime after 2006. Once I get a functioning tape player again I will try to get a good rip of the 'Nightsky' and 'Desecration' tapes up as well.

Ichneutic - Rehearsal (2002)

Darvulia hail from France and are a two piece outfit. Very straightforward, proficiently played black metal with dissonant riff work that works well to craft a sinister atmosphere. Very distinctly "French" sounding, if that makes any sense.

Darvulia - L'odeur du corbeau mort (Demo 2002)

Monday, February 27, 2012

Ghoult-Cult - Initiation to the Cult (Demo 2002) // Darkthrone - Clamor (Instrumental Rehearsal)

Since it has been a little while I present two new offerings, both hailing from Norway. Ghoul-Cult, formed in 2001 in Asker/Oslo, Norway, play death/thrash. Darkthrone, also from Norway, need no introduction.

The Ghoul-Cult was ripped from the original tape in 2002, while the Darkthrone was ripped by an acquaintance from Australia some years back. I believe this can be found in various Darkthrone torrent packs floating around on the internet, and I am fairly certain it is the same rip done by my associate. It was recorded sometime between the Cromlech demo, and Soulside Journey in 1991 I was told, but I know nothing more than this. If anyone else does, more information would be appreciated. I am uploading it (far to late) to fulfill a request.

Ghoul-Cult - Initiation to the Cult (Demo 2002)

Darkthrone - Clamor (Instrumental Rehearsal)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Demoncy - Ascension Of A Star Long Since Fallen (Rehearsal 1995)

Not much to say here. There is no cover, just an insert that lists this as a rehearsal/the track names and seems to indicate it was recorded prior to the release of the demo with the same name. I don't know much more beyond that, nor did I think to ask the friend who passed this along to me. Ripped from the original tape some in 1998 or 1999.

Demoncy - Ascension Of A Star Long Since Fallen (Rehearsal 1995)

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Echoes from the ossuary depths

After a rather long hiatus brought about by a lack of interest, I have decided to be a bit more active with this. Expect to see more frequent postings as well as contributions from some new caretakers in the tower of silence. They will be properly introduced when the time comes.

The new logo is was drawn by a friend who is quite a talented artist.

You can see more of his work here: A N T E D I L U V I A N

Craft - Total Eclipse (Demo 1999)

Black metal from Sweden. Ripped from the original tape sometime in 1999.

Nergal (CH) / P.S.F. (CH) - Rite of Beltane / Grotesque Ecstasy (1992)
 Cover is from the Nergal side of the split. Both bands play black/death metal. Released in 1992 on Wild Rags Records, a phenomenal label which is no longer around.